
Showing posts from August, 2020

ITEM OF THE WEEK: Delphi Vapers Bath Kit

 ITEM OF THE WEEK! Delphi Vapers Bath Kit The Delphi Vapers Bath Kit is designed to help with any psychic or mental endeavors. You can use this to prepare for anything from a ritual to determine your spirit animal to preparing for a major exam. The scent is made up of jasmine, frankincense, myrrh, bay, sandalwood, peppermint, orange, rose, pomegranate, and musk. The salts are made from coarse grain salt, Epsom salt, and baking soda with a little almond oil, olive oil, and coconut oil for moisturizer. The oil is made up of coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil. To use: add one bag of bath salts to a tub filled with water and bath. After drying off anoint your chakras with the oil. Kit contains: 2 bags of bath salts each containing approximately ½ cup of salts, and 1 2-dram (7.39ml or ¼ ounce) bottle of oil. *Legal disclaimer: all spells, metaphysical tools and kits, and other similar items should be considered novelty items and used for entertainment purposes only* The link to my s...


  THAUMATURGIST THURSDAY: Petrified Wood I plan on doing a post on the uses of stones in magic each Thursday. If you know something that I have not mentioned, please feel free to share your knowledge in the comments. Petrified wood is fossilized wood from ancient forest. Much of the petrified wood we see today is millions of years old. It is associated with many things, like longevity. It is believed to help you live longer, and possibly enjoy your life more. In some cases, it has been used to help old buildings that have structural problems. It is believed to hold ancient knowledge and can help with past life regressions. It can also help you find a mentor based on these properties. Petrified wood is considered to have healing properties. It is particularly useful in mental health. It stabilizes emotions, calms you, and helps you worry less. It is used to cleanse and stabilize all the chakras, which aids in spiritual healing. It is said to “support the soul.” It can be u...


  WITCH TIP TUESDAY: Never Stop Learning. I have been practicing magic for almost 30 years and using herbal medicines for over 20, and I still learn new things every day. The worlds of magic and herbal medicines are huge! There is no way a single person can know everything there is to learn. I’m not saying give up. I’m saying accept that even when you are considered a master, you will still have so much to learn. There are types of magic from all over the world to explore. Some of it is dangerous, but some of it is helpful too. Magic works differently for each of us. Explore, learn, and find what works best for you.

Keeping Things Honest

  ITEM OF THE WEEK: KEEPING THINGS HONEST SPELL KIT Tired of lies and vicious gossip? Tired of having people lie to your face? At some point or another we have all been victims of this form of bullying, and it is no fun to deal with. Try Keeping Things Honest with this easy spell kit and say goodbye to the backstabbing. This kit has been designed to inspire honesty in the people around you and who talk to you, and the effects can last up to a month. Each kit contains 10 grams of clove and slippery elm powdered incense, 1 charcoal puck, 1 piece of raw lapis lazuli, 1 selenite rod, 1 piece of blue ribbon, 1 vial of clove oil, and detailed instructions on how to perform the spell. **Cauldron, sand, and Tongs are not included in this kit. You will need to provide your own fireproof container to burn incense in.** WARNINGS: 1) You will find it just as hard to lie and gossip as the people around you with this spell, so be sure that you are ready to be honest yourself before casting. 2) T...

Witch Tip Tuesday: Always Do Your Research!

  Witch tip Tuesday: ALWAYS DO YOUR RESEARCH! The oleander plant is listed briefly in two of these books and not at all in the other two. If you chose the two books about magical herbs on the left, then you would be correct. Oleander is never used medicinally because it is poisonous. It has started to circulate on social media that some people are suggesting that oleander oil is a cure for covid-19. I really wish this wasn't true, but sadly it is. Oleander oil is not a cure. It will kill you. It is rarely used even in magic, and the few who do use it strongly suggest wearing gloves. Whenever you start using a new herb, even one from your spice cabinet, always research them thoroughly. While they can be beneficial, they can also be harmful. For instance, sage can help treat a cold, but too much can cause crapping. It's good to know things like this before you use an herb both magically and medicinally. Blessed be. #witchtip   #oleanderispoisonous   #doyoursearch   #wi...