Keeping Things Honest


Tired of lies and vicious gossip? Tired of having people lie to your face? At some point or another we have all been victims of this form of bullying, and it is no fun to deal with. Try Keeping Things Honest with this easy spell kit and say goodbye to the backstabbing. This kit has been designed to inspire honesty in the people around you and who talk to you, and the effects can last up to a month. Each kit contains 10 grams of clove and slippery elm powdered incense, 1 charcoal puck, 1 piece of raw lapis lazuli, 1 selenite rod, 1 piece of blue ribbon, 1 vial of clove oil, and detailed instructions on how to perform the spell.
**Cauldron, sand, and Tongs are not included in this kit. You will need to provide your own fireproof container to burn incense in.**
WARNINGS: 1) You will find it just as hard to lie and gossip as the people around you with this spell, so be sure that you are ready to be honest yourself before casting. 2) This spell can cause excessive swearing. Be careful who you’re around while it is in effect. 3) Clove oil is a “hot oil” so be careful about getting it on your skin.
*Legal disclaimer: all spells, metaphysical tools and kits, and other similar items should be considered novelty items and used for entertainment purposes only*
Get yours here:
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