Sage has many uses both magical and medicinal. It’s also a great savory herb to use in cooking.

Sage can be used medicinally to reduce inflammation, especially orally, and is often used in gargles and mouthwashes. It can be used to reduce a fever and is often used to treat cold and flu symptoms. It can also be used to help indigestion. Some people also use it as an antibiotic or astringent. Sage is one of the herbs that is commonly used in chicken soup, which we all know as being the best food to eat while you are sick.

It is important to note that when taken internally sage can cause or increase cramping. It makes a delicious tea, but you should use it sparingly because of this side effect. It should always be avoided by pregnant women.

Magically, sage is most often used in cleansing, but it can also be used in magic for protection, longevity, and magic for obtaining wisdom. Sage smoke is thought to cleanse both objects and air and is used to cleanse homes and businesses.

All around sage is a great herb to use both magically and medicinally. Thanks for reading. Blessed be.

#sage #witch #witchtip #witchcraft #pagan #herb #herbal


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