I am well aware of the fact that I am going to piss off a number of people who sell love spells with this post, and I really do not care. They’re selling magical roofies and they know it.

Love spells do not create love. You can cast them to draw in love if you don’t focus on a specific person. They can be used to create desire or longing. They can create sexual attraction. In some cases, they can be used to control someone’s mind to the point where they think they’re in love with you, but they will never genuinely love you. Love is too complicated an emotion to be created by a spell. This isn’t some Disney movie where the spell breaks and that person suddenly realizes they were in love with you the whole time either. If anything, that person is likely to feel violated and run for the door, and they are right to feel that way. If you are trying to control someone with a spell, you are violating them. Consent is important in magic just like it is in relationships, especially if it involves love or sex.

I feel like this is a lesson that even a novice should know, because I learned this as a teenager when I had a love spell backfire on me. I realize now it was a newbie mistake and it’s one I will not make again. But then along comes some 40-something magic dabbler who thinks it’s ok to do this to someone, and I’m reminded that some people are never taught this lesson. Pro-tip: if the owner of a metaphysical shop tells you they won’t help you with a spell to break up someone’s marriage and offers a cord cutting spell instead, take the cord cutting! They’re trying to save you from doing something epically stupid that’s going to give you a boatload of bad karma! They are not trying to ruin your life! And if you act like a toddler and throw a psychic temper tantrum after you are told no, then you just create bad karma for yourself! So just don’t! And don’t assume every person you encounter is going to try to steal your significant other just because you would steal someone else’s if you got the chance! Most of us have better morals than that!

Sorry, I needed to vent. I had a conversation with a friend about a mutual acquaintance’s behavior recently, and it was very upsetting. I will try not to have another outburst.

Love drawing love spells are usually considered to be an ethical form of love spell. This is because they do not focus on an individual. Some of these spells can help you find your true love, and others can help you find friends. Love drawing spells are usually focused on bringing people to you that would love you no matter how they come into your life.

Love spells that create lust are a little more questionable. If you and your partner decide to use magic to spice up your love life with a spell to create lust or physical pleasure, that’s between the two of you. If you’re consenting adults, then there’s nothing ethically wrong with it. Just be careful not to lose control of the spell. If you’re using a love spell that creates lust to attract a one-night stand or a lover, then the ethics involved start to become questionable. If you’re not using something that controls people’s minds, then you’re probably safe in the karma sense. If not, you can expect karma to come back on you hard. You may be putting yourself at risk by attracting unwanted attention, too. The simple fact is that you should probably avoid lust spells unless it’s between you and a committed partner.

The last form of love spell is the most dangerous to use and the least ethical. They are the form that involves mind control. If you cast a spell that takes away a person’s free will, then you are abusing them in the most depraved way possible. Make no mistake, you are sexually assaulting that person every time you “make love” because they are not choosing to be there. You might think it’s wonderful and for a time it might seem as though they truly love you, but over time the spell will sour and break, and you will lose that person forever. Then you will be alone and unable to move on because the spell has you trapped as well.

It’s important to ask yourself if what you feel for another person is love or obsession if you ever think about casting a love spell. When you cast a love spell, you are tying another person to you out of greed, lust, jealousy, and selfishness. That’s not love. That’s abuse. Nothing good can come from that. Not ever. When you love someone, you don’t try to force them to feel the way you do. If they don’t love you, then you accept that they don’t love you and find a way to let them go. It’s really that simple. It may be painful, but real love always is.

A lot of magical practitioners refuse to be involved in love spells of kind. They have their reasons, so don’t pressure those who don’t want to be involved in them. There are others who will cast it for you, but they charge a fortune and you need to be aware that you won’t get what you really want with any spell. Then there are those who will sell you a kit with the materials necessary and the instructions on how to cast the spell. I won’t lie, these are the spells that bother me the most. I feel like the spell’s creator is trying to cheat karma themselves by giving you the means to cast the spell. They’re refusing to take responsibility for their part in what’s happening. Some of the people who do this will blame the person the sell the spell to when something goes wrong. It’s seriously messed up, and way too much like a dealer selling Rohypnol to someone and pretending like they’re not partially to blame when a rape occurs. If someone offers you a love spell, they have your money in mind not your best interest or anyone else’s for that matter.

I feel it is important to tell you that while there a lot of ingredients for love spells that are safe, the ones that are considered to most powerful are also extremely dangerous. Keep that in mind. You may wind up poisoning the person you want rather than having them fall in love with you. Kind of defeats the purpose of love spell, doesn’t it?

The last type of love spell we’ll go into are the ones that are used after a relationship ends to help heal and move on. There are many types of spells that can help in this process, and most of them are very effective. One of the most common is the cord cutting spell I mentioned above. The most common form is when you take two candles, stand them a few inches, and tie them together with a piece of thread. Then you state that you want to be released from your former lover and your heartache, then light the candles. As the candles burn down, they burn through the thread and release you from your pain. Let them burn until the go out. It’s a simple spell that’s easy to perform and get the materials for, and it’s very effective.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post and that you will continue to follow me. If you don’t ever read another post by me, I wish you no ill will. Blessed be.

#witch #witchtip #witchcraft #metaphysical #pagan #magic #lovespells


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