FRIDAY FEATURE: Palm and Sole Balm


For years I searched for something that would moisturize and protect my dry hands and feet. I tried lotions, I tried ointments, and I tried balms. None of them worked for me and most cost a fortune. Finally, I got sick of it and created my Palm and Sole Balm. This mix of oils, butters, waxes, and herbs will moisturize the driest of hands and feet and promotes healing in damaged skin. It is infused with antifungal herbs to prevent nail fungus and athlete’s foot, and it smells great on both men and women. All my friends who have tried it are crazy about it, and I know that if you try it you will be too.

To use: Apply a dab to the top of your hands or soles of your feet and rub in. A little goes a long way, so start small and add more as needed. Works best if applied before going to bed so that the balm has time to soak into your skin properly.

*weights are approximate*


*Legal disclaimer: all spells, metaphysical tools and kits, and other similar items should be considered novelty items and used for entertainment purposes only*



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