Garlic is a plant that grows from a bulb like it’s close relative the onion. It is native to central Asia and has been used in food and medicine for thousands of years. It is a nutritious and low-calorie plant that has many benefits.

Medicinally, garlic has many uses. It is known to boost the immune system, it is an antibiotic, it can reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, help fight colds and flu, boosts the cardiovascular system, kill intestinal parasites, and may help kill viruses if taken internally. The best part is that you do not have to consume large amounts to receive the benefits of using garlic. You only need enough to flavor your food, though many herbalists will recommend eating raw garlic in order to receive the most benefits from it. When used externally, garlic can kill ringworm and repel pests. The biggest downside to using garlic is the smell. Garlic can cause bad breath and body order. When consumed in large amounts it can cause stomach upset. Garlic should be used with caution topically because it can cause skin burns.

Garlic is used in magic for protection and driving away evil. The best-known example of this is using to keep vampires and the undead away. It can be used to create lust and is sometimes used as an aphrodisiac. Garlic is used in healing magic and its healing properties have been known for centuries.

That’s all for today. Thanks for reading. Blessed be.

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