THAUMATURGIST THURSDAY: Snow Quartz Snow quartz is considered to be a gentler stone than clear quartz. It is good for purification and letting go of the past. It is also good for helping you be more considerate towards others. It can help overcome overwhelming emotions and understanding limitations. Because of its association with winter and purity, it is a stone that is often used in Yule rituals. Have a great day! Blessed be! As a reminder, all items in my shop are on sale for 30% off in honor of the solstice. *FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE UNTIL THE END OF 2020* * I can no longer guarantee that items will reach their destination in time for holiday celebrations. I can promise to send them out as soon as possible. (In most cases I can drop packages off at the post office the same day I receive the order thanks to prepaid shipping.) * #theaviditywitch #thaumaturgistthursday #gem #stone #snowquartz #sale #onsale #witch #witc...