
Showing posts from December, 2020


  THAUMATURGIST THURSDAY: Snow Quartz Snow quartz is considered to be a gentler stone than clear quartz. It is good for purification and letting go of the past. It is also good for helping you be more considerate towards others. It can help overcome overwhelming emotions and understanding limitations. Because of its association with winter and purity, it is a stone that is often used in Yule rituals. Have a great day! Blessed be! As a reminder, all items in my shop are on sale for 30% off in honor of the solstice. *FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE UNTIL THE END OF 2020* * I can no longer guarantee that items will reach their destination in time for holiday celebrations. I can promise to send them out as soon as possible. (In most cases I can drop packages off at the post office the same day I receive the order thanks to prepaid shipping.) * #theaviditywitch #thaumaturgistthursday #gem #stone #snowquartz #sale #onsale #witch #witc...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Peppermint Peppermint is a sweet smelling plant that is part of the mint family. It is used as popular flavoring during Yule (or Christmas for Christians). Like all mints it can be invasive and many gardeners, including myself, choose to grow it in pots because of this. Peppermint is usually considered to be one of the best herbs to treat stomach ailments, because it is effective and safe for nearly everyone. It stimulates the production of digestive fluids and relieves gas. It has mild pain relief properties that also soothes stomach lining. It can be used in cold and flu remedies as an expectorant because it contains menthol. It can also help relieve anxiety and to help a person sleep. Externally it can relieve itching. It can increase heartburn however and should be avoided by people with acid reflux. Magically, peppermint is in love, healing, protection, and purification spells. It is thought to bring luck and prosperity to anyone who uses it. It is al...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Ringworm Treatment

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Gift (Ringworm Treatment recipe) Instead of a tip this week, I’m giving a gift. This is the recipe for my ringworm treatment. It is safe for humans, cats, dogs, and horses. I have used this multiple times this year to treat ringworm on my cats and foster kittens. It works very well and very fast. I hope you never have to use it, but in case you do you are welcome to use this one. Do not substitute the ingredients, because these ones are safe for the animals listed. DO NOT USE ESSENTIAL OILS FOR THIS RECIPE! 1 tablespoon dried thyme 1 tablespoon dried rosemary ¼ cup dried chamomile ¼ olive oil 2 tablespoon coconut oil (solid form) 2 tablespoons beeswax (DO NOT SUBSTITUTE THIS!)   Put ingredients in a saucepan and heat on medium low. Stir often so nothing sticks to the bottom off the pan and ingredients mix and melt evenly. Heat for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, until the herbs have turned a golden color. If they start to smell burned, rem...


  MAGICIAN MONDAY: Incense Happy Solstice! Merry Yule! I’m keeping this short and sweet on account of the holiday. Incense is the herbs, spices, and resins that are burned. It can be made of whole, ground, or fashioned into sticks and cones. Incense has been used in magic spells and religious rituals for all of human history. It can be used to set a mood, cleanse and banish, create an altered state of mind, or as an offering to the gods. Incense is not usually thought of as being a magical tool, but it is. During winter solstice festivals, incense in the scents of cloves, cinnamon, peppermint, frankincense, and myrrh are often used. Have a wonderful holiday season, and don’t forget to burn a little incense while you celebrate! Blessed be! *My 30% sale in still going on in honor of the solstice. Stop by my Etsy shop if you want to pick up a little something for yourself* *FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE UNTIL THE END OF 2020* * I can no longer guarantee that items will r...


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Saturn I thought we should look at the god Saturn today for two reasons. One is because of the conjunction between the planets Jupiter and Saturn tomorrow, and the other is because we are smack dab in the middle of the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia. Without further ado, let’s look at who this god is! Saturn is the Roman god of agriculture, wealth, and time. His Greek equivalent is the god Cronos.   He is best known in modern times for devouring his children after a prophecy said that he would be overthrown by one of them. His wife/sister Ops wanted this to stop. So, when Jupiter was born, she gave Saturn a stone she had fashioned to look like a baby. Saturn swallowed the stone whole and had no idea his son was spared. Ops then took Jupiter to Crete where she raised him in secret. When Jupiter was old enough, he returned, forced his father to vomit up his siblings, and overthrew him. The festival of Saturnalia (December 17 to December 23) was a ce...

SATIRE SATURDAY: Witches and Wiccans

  SATIRE SATURDAY: Witches and Wiccans Not all witches are wiccan, and not all wiccans are witches. Can I make it any clearer than that? Let’s try to clear a few things up. Wicca is a religion that was developed in the 1940s and 50s by a man named Gerald Gardner and a woman named Doreen Valiente. While the religion does have some roots in ancient practices, the religion itself is quite new. Today, there are many different sects of the Wiccan religion. Some are very free flowing and allow their members to do as the please, and there are others that tell their members how to worship, how to practice, and even what they can wear and eat. It all depends on the group. There are solitary Wiccans out there who practice their religion on their own as well. It is important to note that while the majority of Wiccans practice witchcraft, not all of them do. I have known a couple of Wiccans in my time who loved the rituals and the holidays, but they didn’t feel comfortable with using magic...

FRIDAY FEATURE: Home Purification and Protection Kit

  FRIDAY FEATURE: Home Purification and Protection Kit Do you have annoying relatives coming to visit for the holidays? Are any of them Debbie Downers, Judgmental Jareds, or Controlling Karens? Do they suck the life out of everyone in the family including you? You really shouldn’t because we’re in the middle of a pandemic. I mean you have the perfect excuse to tell them not to come this year! Just in case they show up anyway, you should really consider purchasing one of my Home Purification and Protection Kits! It’s perfect for getting rid of those nasty vibes from cranky relatives and everything that happened in 2020! So, start the New Year off right and get yours today! It’s on sale right now for 30% off along with the rest of my shop right now! *Years ago, a witch taught me the art of smoke cleansing to banish ghosts and negative energy. Another witch taught me to create a seal on my doors and windows using salt. Yet another witch taught me to make magical sachets. A final w...


  Thaumaturgist Thursday: Snowflake Obsidian All forms of obsidian are good for protection and divination, but snowflake obsidian also carries the qualities of purity and balance. It has a calming affect on those who use it and can help cope with negative emotions. It can also help with meditation. Because of these properties, snowflake obsidian is a stone that is great to use during the winter, especially for those who suffer from seasonal depression. Have a great day! Blessed be! All items in my Etsy shop will be on sale for 20% from now until January 3 rd . Stop by if there’s something you want to pick up for yourself! *FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE UNTIL THE END OF 2020* * I can no longer guarantee that items will reach their destination in time for holiday celebrations. I can promise to send them out as soon as possible. (In most cases I can drop packages off at the post office the same day I receive the order thanks to pre...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Star Anise Star Anise, not to be confused with anise seed or Japanese Star anise, which is toxic, is the fruit of an evergreen tree that is native to SouthEast Asia. It has a strong licorice scent and flavor. You must be careful of the source of your star anise pods. While the Chinese and Vietnamese plants are safe for consumption, the Japanese plants are toxic and should only be burned as incense. Medicinally, star anise is known for its antiviral properties. It is one of the ingredients of the drug Tamiflu. Magically, star anise can be used for love, protection, psychic powers, and cleansing. Star anise is considered a beautiful spice and is often used in crafts, wreaths, and incense. It is often added to spells because of this. Well, that’s about all I have for Star Anise. Most of the herbal remedies out there call for anise seed which is a different plant. If you decide to use star anise, make sure you know where it came from before you use it in foo...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: The Winter Solstice

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: The Winter Solstice Throughout history people have overserved the solstices in some way. I thought that it might be fun to take a look at some of those festivals since the solstice is next week. A lot of modern Christians will get offended by this, but most Christmas traditions have pagan origins. That includes the Christmas tree, the gift giving, the yule log, the caroling, and your Christmas ham. They simple cannot accept that their pagan ancestors didn’t want to give up their celebrations and adapted their new religion to fit those traditions. It’s sad that they deny their heritage, but it is what it is. At any rate, we’re going to look at how far back we have evidence of people recognizing the solstice in this post. Since Christmas has already been mentioned, let’s start with that. Christmas is celebrated on the 25 th day of December by many western Christian religions. They believe it is the day that Jesus Christ was born. Other Christian religions, su...


  MAGICIAN MONDAY: Boline A boline is the knife that is used for cutting in magic spells and rituals. Some practitioners feel strongly that a boline should have a white handle, but not all believe this. No, my boline does not have a white handle. It is not big, fancy, or expensive. It was cheap and came from the dollar store. It is also sturdier than it looks and has never failed me. I hope you learned something new today. Have a great week! Blessed be! Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day for the 20% off sale in my Etsy shop. Select items are even cheaper. *FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE UNTIL THE END OF 2020* *All orders outside the USA must be completed no later than December 1 to arrive before December 25. All USA orders with USPS ground shipping must be completed by December 14 to arrive before December 25* #theaviditywitch #magicianmonday #boline #magicaltool #sale #onsale #witch #witchcraft #pagan #magic #herbalremedies #pentacles #spells #runes #metaphys...


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Jupiter With the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter coming up on the solstice I thought it would be fun to look at the Roman god behind the planet’s name. For those who don’t know, there will be a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter. The two planets are going to align so closely in the night sky that they will appear to be a double planet or a single star. Many people are calling this the Christmas star because of it is taking place so close to Christmas. The last time humans were able to observe and alignment like this with the naked eye was in 1226, and the next one won’t be until 2080. Astrologers say that this will bring a time of great change for everyone. I truly hope that those changes are good for all those reading this. Jupiter was the Roman god of thunder, lightning, and sky. His Greek equivalent is Zeus, though there are some differences between the two. There are many stories about Jupiter, but I find the following one most interesting given curr...


  SATURDAY SATIRE: The Witch’s Mark During the witch hunts of the late seventeenth century, someone came up with the idea of a witch’s mark (not to be confused with a witch’s teat). The witch’s mark was thought to be a place on the body that Satan had touched and marked someone as a witch. Accusers would claim scars, birthmarks, and other skin imperfections were these supposed marks. People that believed this thought that the mark would have little to no feeling and could be poked with a sharp object without the bearer feeling pain. This absurd for several reasons. For one, most witches don’t believe in Satan and therefore cannot be marked by him. For another, if witches actually had specific marks that showed they were witches they wouldn’t be hard to find. On top of that we now know that scarring that goes deep into the tissue and skin cancer can cause areas of the skin to lose feeling. Thankfully, this ridiculous idea died out fairly quickly and wasn’t taken seriously in many ...

FEATURE FRIDAY: Blue and Gold Pentacle

  FEATURE FRIDAY: Blue and Gold Pentacle My internet is finally back up and running so I can start making my lovely posts again! Yay! Just to remind everyone, my entire shop is on sale for 20% off (or more on a few items) until Tuesday the 15 th . Blue and Gold Pentacle This bright and cheerful blue and gold pentacle is a great way to add some pagan joy to your home. It’s four inches in diameter and fitted with a picture frame hanger, so it is easy to hang almost anywhere. Made from salvaged wood product that was sanded down and painted by me. *Legal disclaimer: all spells, metaphysical tools and kits, and other similar items should be considered novelty items and used for entertainment purposes only* *FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE UNTIL THE END OF 2020* *All orders outside the USA must be completed no later than December 1 to arrive before December 25. All USA orders with USPS ground shipping must be completed by December 14 to arrive before December 25* #theavidityw...

FEATURE FRIDAY: Petrified Wood Sagittarius Pendant

  FEATURE FRIDAY: Petrified Wood Sagittarius Pendant *ON SALE 20% OFF* This Petrified Wood Sagittarius pendant was drilled, etched, painted by me. Sagittarius (November 23-December 21) is the ninth sign of the western zodiac, it is a fire sign, and people who are born under this sign are thought to be generous with a great sense of humor. Petrified wood is associated with healing and protection. You can find it in my Etsy shop by following the link below or my the bio! *Legal disclaimer: all spells, metaphysical tools and kits, and other similar items should be considered novelty items and used for entertainment purposes only* *FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE UNTIL THE END OF 2020* *It is now too late to guarantee that orders placed outside the USA will arrive before December 25. All USA orders with USPS ground shipping must be com...


  THAUMATURGIST THURSDAY: Blue Goldstone Blue goldstone is a type of glass that is produced in a low oxygen environment and contains tiny flakes of cobalt. There is not gold in any type of goldstone. It is often presented as a manmade stone or a naturally occurring stone. Goldstone is thought to be a perfect stone for self-help. It is good for ambition, confidence, motivation, self-acceptance, and protection from negative energies. That’s it for today. Blessed be! #theaviditywitch #witch #witchcraft #pagan #magic #spells #metaphysical #thaumaturgistthursday #stone #gem #semipreciousstone #semipreciousgem #metaphysicalstone #metaphysicalgem #metaphysicalsemipreciousstone #metaphysicalsemipreciousgem #goldstone #bluegoldstone #metaphysicalgoldstone #selfhelpstone #selfacceptancestone #ambitionstone #confidencestone #motivationstone #protectionstone #ambition #confidence #motivation #protection #selfhelp

Broken Post: 8/26/2020 WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Pistachios

 WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Pistachios I’ve decided to start posting things I know about herbs each week on Wednesday. If there is something you know about the herb, we’re exploring that I have not covered, please feel free to share that knowledge in the comments. Pistachios have gotten a lot of attention lately for being a healthy snack. Even though they are often called nuts, they are actually a type of seed and are related to cashews. Pistachio trees can live up to 300 years and are originally from central Asia. The seeds are high in protein, Thiamine (B1), Vitamin B6, among a lot of other vitamins and minerals. In ancient times, people believed pistachios could be used medicinally to treat problems with the liver and stomach, though there is no evidence that this is an effective treatment today. Magically, pistachios are most often thought of as being an antidote to love spells, and it is recommended to feed them to a loved one who is under the influence of a love spell. They can be use...

Broken Post: 11/23/2020 MAGICIAN MONDAY: Cauldrons

  MAGICIAN MONDAY: Cauldrons While it is not required for magical work, many magical practitioners use cauldrons. There are many uses for cauldrons. If you have one that is fireproof you can burn anything from paper spells to incense in it. You can even cook in it over an open flame with them. If you have a cauldron that is not fireproof, you can use it for holding water or magical tools on your altar, you can mix and make your spells in them, or you can fill them for water and use them for scrying. My favorite use for my small cauldron is burning power incense. It’s made from iron and heavy, so I know it can’t be knocked over easily. I use it for burning ingredients for spells too, but not as often. I hope you enjoyed reading my post today. Have a great week! Blessed be! #theaviditywitch #magianmonday #witchtip #magicaltool #cauldron #witch #pagan #witchcraft #metaphysical #magician #blessedbe

Broken Post: 11/16/2020 MAGICIAN MONDAY: Athame

  MAGICIAN MONDAY: Athame An athame is a knife used in magic to direct your energy. You do not use an athame to physically cut anything. Some traditions require an athame to have a double blade and black handle. The most important part in choosing an athame is feeling comfortable holding it. #theaviditywitch #witchtip #witchtool #magictool #magicaltool #pagan #witch #witchcraft #metaphysical #athame #knife #magicknife


  Witchy Wednesday: Cloves Cloves are a sweet potent spice that is used in everything from gingerbread and pumpkin pies to pickles and hot toddies. They are native to Asia and are the dried buds of flowers. They are a favorite in winter dishes especially. They also have many medicinal and magical properties. Medicinally, cloves are best known for treating oral ailments. They are used in mouthwashes and compresses to relieve pain, and food grade clove oil is often used directly on affected areas to kill pain. They can be chewed to relieve oral pain, but you should use not more than 2 to 3 in a 24-hour period. Cloves can cause clotting issues and excessive bleeding if consumed in large quantities and can affect blood sugar levels. Cloves can be used to treat digestive issues such as flatulence and vomiting. When combined with nutmeg and added to an ointment that is applied to the skin, cloves can create a warming sensation that helps relieve muscle tension. Clove cigarettes shoul...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way I know there will be people out there shaking their heads at this but guess what. You don’t have to take huge amounts of herbs and spices to boost your immune system and maintain your health. In fact, you can get most of the medicinal properties by flavoring your food with the herb or spice. That’s all you need. Just that tiny bit. Plus, there are a lot of herbs and spices that have the same properties, so you don’t have to lock yourself into one flavor. I’m telling you this because some herbs and spices can be harmful and even dangerous when used in excess. Cinnamon, for instance, can cause bleeding when you eat too much of it. So moderate, use wisely, make sure you talk to your doctor about any side affects that come with drug interactions. The same is true with most magic. You don’t usually need a lot of herbs or spices to complete a spell. Trust your instincts to know for sure how much you need unless the spell mentions a specifi...