WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way


WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way

I know there will be people out there shaking their heads at this but guess what. You don’t have to take huge amounts of herbs and spices to boost your immune system and maintain your health. In fact, you can get most of the medicinal properties by flavoring your food with the herb or spice. That’s all you need. Just that tiny bit. Plus, there are a lot of herbs and spices that have the same properties, so you don’t have to lock yourself into one flavor. I’m telling you this because some herbs and spices can be harmful and even dangerous when used in excess. Cinnamon, for instance, can cause bleeding when you eat too much of it. So moderate, use wisely, make sure you talk to your doctor about any side affects that come with drug interactions.

The same is true with most magic. You don’t usually need a lot of herbs or spices to complete a spell. Trust your instincts to know for sure how much you need unless the spell mentions a specific amount. Otherwise go with your gut.

Anyway, that’s all for today. I hope at least some of that made sense. I’m a little dead on my feet right now. I’ve been busy with a lot of Yule preparation. Just a reminder, everything in my shop is 20% of until December 15 Have a great week! Blessed be!



*All orders outside the USA must be completed no later than December 1 to arrive before December 25. All USA orders with USPS ground shipping must be completed by December 14 to arrive before December 25*

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