SATIRE SATURDAY: Witches Do Not Worship Satan


SATIRE SATURDAY: Witches do not Worship Satan

This is one of the oldest misconceptions about witches. While the witches have been around for thousands of years, they have only been associated with the Christian ideas of Satan and the devil for about 1000 years. One can easily assume that early Christians wanted to deter people from the ancient art of magic and the pagan religions associated with them. The thing is the majority of witches don’t believe in Satan, the devil, or the Christian god. The word Satanist means one who goes against god. You can’t go against something you don’t believe exists. I’ve been a practicing witch for about 3 decades and I have yet to meet one of these “Satanic witches” pop culture talks about. Even the witches I have met that embrace the darker side of magic don’t call on Satan for help. I’m thinking they probably don’t exist.

In conclusion, if you have a friend, family member, or neighbor who you recently found is a witch, you probably have nothing to worry about. Most of us just want to be left alone to worship our gods in peace and be accepted as members of the community.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and will enjoy the many more that are to come. Every Saturday I will make a post to help dispel the myths and misconceptions about pagans, witches, and witchcraft. With any luck this will help get rid of some of the fear associated with these ancient practices. Blessed be.

*image shamelessly stolen from somewhere on the internet*

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