SATIRE SATURDAY: Warlock This is a bit of a tricky one. When people hear the word warlock today, they are likely to think of a male witch. This isn’t quite correct. For most of history, male witches were called witches. It is perfectly fine for a man to be a witch, since the word is not gender specific. It wasn’t until the 1950’s and 60’s the word warlock became a commonly used word for a male witch. This was in no small part due to television shows like “Bewitched” and “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” who used the word and ingrained it in pop culture. However, it is important to understand that this word has a dark history. Warlock is an old English word that originally meant traitor or oath breaker. Over time this became associated with denying the Christian god and therefore being league with the devil and being a sorcerer. I have also heard this word used by a few witches to describe a person who has betrayed their coven. It just goes to show that the history of the words we us...