Pride Month


NSFW: Bunny sex lives are mentioned in this post.

I know it’s been forever since I last posted anything, and I’m sorry for that. Life has been pretty crazy over the last year, and I haven’t had much time for anything I want to do. I am going to try to post at least one entry in this blog a week from now on. If I can, I will do more. Today, however, I want to share a story with you.

When I was a kid, we raised rabbits. We sold them as pets to bring in extra money. One day we were given this beautiful caramel colored rabbit with chocolate seal point makings. He was gorgeous and we knew that if we had more like him that we could sell them. So, we did what we always did when we wanted to breed one of the rabbits, and we put him in a cage with a healthy female rabbit. Most male rabbits go crazy when a female is introduced to them, and they have their bunny way with her very quickly. He did not do this. He hopped over to the female, licked her head, and snuggled up beside her. He had no interest in being anything more than friends with this beautiful bunny lady. We tried introducing him to other females in the hope that we might find one that he liked, but the same thing always happened. He just wanted to be friends with the girls. He had no other feelings toward them than that.

One day we moved into a cage that was next to another male rabbit, and finally he showed interest in another rabbit. He was head over heels in bunny love with his new neighbor. Sadly, his neighbor was not interested in him and stayed as far away as he could from him.

For anyone who’s thinking that we must have been wrong about the sex of this rabbit, let me explain a little bit about male rabbit anatomy. Adult male rabbits that have not been neutered have very large testicles, and they are impossible to miss. This rabbit was male.

After seeing this behavior, I told my mother, “That rabbit is gay.”

My mother insisted that that wasn’t possible, because she believed that being gay was a mental illness. Like so many boomers, she had been taught that people who were gay were either sick or possessed by a demon. She was wrong. No matter how many times I pointed out the fact that he was a rabbit and he liked other boy rabbits, my parent never believed it was possible for him to be gay. They let me keep him as a pet, but they never accepted what was right in front of their eyes. My parents were (and still are) fools. He was one of the sweetest, gentlest rabbits we ever had, and I loved him just the way he was.

I have always been grateful that we had that rabbit. He taught me something that my parents were fighting tooth and nail against me learning. He taught me that being gay is normal. That being gay is natural. That any species can be gay. It’s nothing to be afraid of, and being gay doesn’t mean someone is bad, or sick, or possessed. It just means they’re gay. Because of that rabbit I learned that sexuality is very complex, and we shouldn’t judge others if they’re different from us.

Given that today is June 1st and the beginning of pride month, I felt like this was a great time to share this story. I hope this might have opened your mind a bit to accepting someone for who they are, or maybe given you some peace knowing that someone you’ve never met accepts you as you are. Have a great day. Blessed be!

All negative comments will be deleted. I have no time, interest, or energy for trolls right now.

Side note: The rabbit in the photo is not the rabbit from the story.


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