
Showing posts with the label Witchtip Tuesday

Witchtip Tuesday: Karma Repost

  After a few of the things I have had happen over the last couple of weeks, I think it might be a good time to repost this. I’ve seen a lot of evidence to support the idea that the energy you put out comes back to you in a magnified form after several recent events. I know it’s tough sometimes but try to keep the negativity under control, so it doesn’t poison your environment. I hope you enjoy this repost and blessed be. WITCH TIP TUESDAY! Always be aware of your “Karma.” When you perform magic of any kind there is always a price. This is true for all aspects of life, but for now we will only focus on the magical implications. Whatever you put out in a spell, you get back a minimum of three times and as many as ten. A lot of people refer to this as karma and for the sake of keeping this post fairly short, so shall we. It always amazes me how many people seem to think they can escape karma, especially in magic. You can’t. Even if you stop practicing magic, you will still ha...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Magic While You’re Ill

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Magic While You’re Ill You should never try to do any form of magic while you’re ill. If you already have a cold, flu, of some other form of sickness, your energy is already drained, and you should not drain it further by using magic. Trust me, the spell you want to do can wait until you’re well. Rest up until you feel better. Have a great week! Blessed be! #theaviditywitch #witchtiptuesday #witchtip #witch #witches #pagan #magic #nomagicwhilesick

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: No Tip, Just Frustration

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: No Tip, Just Frustration Yesterday, I made a post about runes and I mentioned that recent discoveries have shown us that the Norse culture was much more diverse and widespread than we had been led to believe. No matter how many times I tried to explain that having ancestors from Sweden and Denmark doesn’t mean you look like a Viking, there were people on my Facebook who insisted on saying they looked like Vikings because they are blonde haired and blue eyed. It’s ridiculous. DNA from Viking graves tells us Vikings could look like anyone you see today. It’s like a group of people are so desperate to hold onto a myth about what their ancestors were and where they came from that they refuse to acknowledge any scientific proof that they aren’t descended from the group they thought they were. Humans have never been a stationary species. We have always migrated. We have always interacted with other races. We always intermarried. Not having the ancestry you thought y...


  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Consent Let me start by saying that I have very strong feelings about love spells. There are very few that I feel are acceptable, and that is because most of the love spells out there involve removing someone’s ability to consent to romantic interactions. As a sexual assault survivor, I understand the damage that is done to someone who has their ability to refuse or consent taken away. I feel that love spells that make someone believe that they are in love with someone else are mind control, a violation of that person’s being, and should never be done. They are akin to rape in my eyes. If you want to use a spell that will draw in love from the universe, go for it. You won’t be taking away anyone’s consent by doing so. Want a spell to help you find your true love? Go for it. Your true love is someone you will meet eventually anyway. You will not violate them by asking them to show up sooner. Want to make a spell to learn to love yourself? Go for it. When you lo...


  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Moon Cycle Where the moon is at in its cycle can have a big affect on how well your spell performs. For instance, if you cast a spell that you want to gain in power then you should do it during the waxing moon. If you want to do a banishing, you should do it during the waning moon. The waxing moon is the period time after the new moon and before the full moon, and the waning moon is the period after the full moon and before the new moon. Many spells require you to do them on the full moon in order to be their most powerful, but not all spells are designed this way so don’t automatically assume that’s when you need to cast your spell. For best results remember that if you want to gain something you cast during the waxing moon, and if you want to lose something you cast during the waning moon. If you aren’t sure whether you’re in the waxing or waning moon, there are several websites online that tell you where the moon is at in its cycle. You can also find calend...


  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Silver Tarnish It’s been a rough couple of weeks, and I haven’t felt like posting much lately, but I am trying to get back into it. This isn’t going to be a long post but hopefully some of you will find this to be a helpful tip. If you have any silver that has become tarnished, you can clean it easily by dipping a damp cloth into ashes and rubbing it on your silver. You can use ashes from an offering fire, your fireplace, or even the ashes from your incense. This is a quick, easy, and sometimes less toxic way of cleaning your silver tools and jewelry. It also won’t damage your set stones like a lot of cleaners. I tried to illustrate what this looks like by wiping a small part of my silver chalice clean, but it didn’t really show in the photo even though it worked in person. I used incense ashes in case you’re wondering. Give it a try the next time you have some tarnished silver. I hope you enjoyed that quick tip. Have a great day and blessed be! https://...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: You Don't Have to Break the Bank to Practice Magic

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: You Don’t have to Break the Bank to Practice Magic There’s this misconception that you have to spend a lot of money to become a witch. This isn’t true. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to have those expensive tools, but they aren’t necessary. You don’t have to have the $50 tarot deck when the one you can get for under $20 does the same thing. You don’t have to pay $70 for a wand when you can make your own. You can find books at secondhand stores. There’s nothing wrong with using a spiral notebook for your grimoire or book of shadows instead of a fancy hardcover journal with gold leafing. Herbs can be pretty cheap if you know where to shop or how to grow your own. Fancy stones and crystals are nice, but you don’t always need those. I can honestly say I’ve used pebbles from beside the road to cast spells and they worked just fine. Your offering bowls, scrying bowls, chalices, bolines, candles, candle holders, incense, incense burners, spell jars, and athames? Two w...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Ringworm Treatment

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Gift (Ringworm Treatment recipe) Instead of a tip this week, I’m giving a gift. This is the recipe for my ringworm treatment. It is safe for humans, cats, dogs, and horses. I have used this multiple times this year to treat ringworm on my cats and foster kittens. It works very well and very fast. I hope you never have to use it, but in case you do you are welcome to use this one. Do not substitute the ingredients, because these ones are safe for the animals listed. DO NOT USE ESSENTIAL OILS FOR THIS RECIPE! 1 tablespoon dried thyme 1 tablespoon dried rosemary ¼ cup dried chamomile ¼ olive oil 2 tablespoon coconut oil (solid form) 2 tablespoons beeswax (DO NOT SUBSTITUTE THIS!)   Put ingredients in a saucepan and heat on medium low. Stir often so nothing sticks to the bottom off the pan and ingredients mix and melt evenly. Heat for approximately 10 to 15 minutes, until the herbs have turned a golden color. If they start to smell burned, rem...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: The Winter Solstice

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: The Winter Solstice Throughout history people have overserved the solstices in some way. I thought that it might be fun to take a look at some of those festivals since the solstice is next week. A lot of modern Christians will get offended by this, but most Christmas traditions have pagan origins. That includes the Christmas tree, the gift giving, the yule log, the caroling, and your Christmas ham. They simple cannot accept that their pagan ancestors didn’t want to give up their celebrations and adapted their new religion to fit those traditions. It’s sad that they deny their heritage, but it is what it is. At any rate, we’re going to look at how far back we have evidence of people recognizing the solstice in this post. Since Christmas has already been mentioned, let’s start with that. Christmas is celebrated on the 25 th day of December by many western Christian religions. They believe it is the day that Jesus Christ was born. Other Christian religions, su...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way I know there will be people out there shaking their heads at this but guess what. You don’t have to take huge amounts of herbs and spices to boost your immune system and maintain your health. In fact, you can get most of the medicinal properties by flavoring your food with the herb or spice. That’s all you need. Just that tiny bit. Plus, there are a lot of herbs and spices that have the same properties, so you don’t have to lock yourself into one flavor. I’m telling you this because some herbs and spices can be harmful and even dangerous when used in excess. Cinnamon, for instance, can cause bleeding when you eat too much of it. So moderate, use wisely, make sure you talk to your doctor about any side affects that come with drug interactions. The same is true with most magic. You don’t usually need a lot of herbs or spices to complete a spell. Trust your instincts to know for sure how much you need unless the spell mentions a specifi...


  This is not so much a tip post as one that I hope brings comfort to someone who needs it. As we head into the holiday season, it is important to remember that not everyone is surrounded by family. This time of year can be very hard for those of us who are estranged from our families. The important thing for those who are estranged to realize is that they are not alone. There are a lot of us that don’t have contact with our families for whatever reason. I am estranged from my immediate family. Unlike many people who no longer have contact with their families, my estrangement was my choice. I realize that there are many other people out there who did not have that luxury and were cast out by their families. I do not fully understand the pain these people must feel, but I can sympathize with their loneliness and longing for family. Please understand, I don’t really miss my family. I do find myself wishing that I had been born into a better family a lot though. To be fair, this is ...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Creating a Safe Workspace

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Creating a Safe Workspace During a conversation this past weekend with a beginner witch I became aware of how few sites online explain how to create a safe space in which to perform your rituals and cast your spells. There are plenty of sites that tell you how to perform the spell itself, but I have yet to see one that starts with “Cast your circle.” One of the reasons it is important to create a safe space because energy and entities are drawn to spell work. If you do not have a barrier to protect you, you leave yourself open to attack. So today I am giving a crash course on how to do this. Casting a circle is the most common method of protecting yourself during rituals and spell work. To do this, you must first clear the area of negative energy. You can do this by sweeping it away with a broom or besom. Then you point your athame, wand, or casting hand straight out from your body, and move in a clockwise circle. As you do this, picture a protective barrier...

WITCH TIP TUESDAY: Celebrate Samhain How You See Fit

  WITCH TIP TUESDAY: Celebrate Samhain How You See Fit There are a lot of ways to celebrate Samhain. Some witches go all out and celebrate with a massive bonfire and complicated skyclad ritual. Some of find this to be a over the top and chilly, especially if they live in the northern regions, and refer to perform a small ritual after handing out candy. When I was younger, I love performing a big ritual. But now that I am a parent, I prefer the small ritual after handing out candy all night. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate. Follow your heart and do what feels right to you. There will be people who disagree with me one this, but this is the way I have always done things and because of that my family has always had a happy Samhain/Halloween. #theaviditywitch #witchtiptuesday #witchtip #samhain #witch #witchcraft #halloween #metaphysical

WITCH TIP TUESDAY: The Magical Properies of Pumpkin Spice

  WITCH TIP TUESDAY: The Magical Properties of Pumpkin Spice Have you ever wondered what the magical properties of pumpkin spice are? I found myself wondering this at the beginning of fall, so I did some research and found out. I thought at first it might be the perfect mix for a love spell since I already knew several of the spices had properties associated with love, but I was so wrong. This mix of fragrant spices that earns millions for companies every year selling everything from pumpkin spice lattes to pumpkin spice cheeses is perfect for money and prosperity spells. You read that right: it is the perfect mix to make money with. The traditional spices used are cinnamon, ginger, cloves, allspice, and nutmeg and they are all associated with money magic. Who knows? Maybe that’s why so many people go crazy buying it in the fall months. Maybe we can’t resist the urge to give money to whoever is selling it because the mix itself is a powerful spell. Now that you know that, maybe y...

WITCH TIP TUESDAY: Protect Your Familiar

  WITCH TIP TUESDAY: Protect your familiar. While it is your familiar’s job to protect you from destructive energies and aid you in magical endeavors, it is your job to protect them from the mundane dangers they face. That includes vaccinating them. The kitten in the photo above was recently diagnosed with covid-19 and distemper, and it almost killed him. For the last week, I have dealt with a distemper outbreak among my foster kittens. It killed six of them. For those who don’t know, feline distemper causes vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and severe weight loss. It is incredibly contagious, hard to kill, and the viral spores last for years. There’s no essential oil that can kill it. You can walk it into your home on your shoes and infect your cat without knowing it’s there until it’s too late. It can kill an unvaccinated adult cat within days, and kittens who contract it have a 1 in 100 chance of survival with proper medical care. By comparison there is a 1 in 10,000 chance a...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Research the Attributes of the God or Goddess Before Calling on Them for Assistance.

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Research the Attributes of the God or Goddess Before Calling on Them for Assistance. This one is pretty self explanatory. Most people know you don't want to summon Aphrodite for help with a financial issue or Ares for help with childbirth, but many gods have talents we don't normally talk about. So spend a little time getting to know your diety before summoning them in a ritual. That's all for this post. Have a great day. Blessed be. #pagan #witchtip #witch #witchcraft #witchtiptuesday #gods #goddesses

Matching Herbs for Better Results

WITCH TIP TUESDAY: Try matching the properties of your herbs when creating spells and medicines. This is something that I recently noticed while creating both spells and medicines. If the herbs have common properties that link them together, the medicine or spell works more effectively. I am going to try to explain it and I hope I can make it easy to understand. When you are making a medicinal item, make sure to check the magical properties of the herbs you are using and try to link them together with common properties. Here’s and example using the herbs often found in chicken soup: Rosemary- protection, love, healing Sage- protection Marjoram- love, protection Thyme- love, healing Garlic- protection, healing Notice how they can all be linked together by the properties they have in common? This is what makes them work well as a team for you. Think of it as matchmaking. You want your items to have things in common, so they work well together, much like matching a couple ...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Stealing... I Can't Believe I Need to Explain This

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Stealing… I can’t believe I need to explain this. “Everything in nature steals.” I have heard witches say this. I have read this in witchcraft books. I have seen this said in movies about witchcraft. Those who use the phrase always imply that because this is a natural thing to do, you won’t be held responsible by karma. Bull. You have a brain and a choice. You will have karma to deal with from your actions. If that’s not enough to keep you from stealing from your favorite shop, keep reading and I will give you a better one. The are no national franchises for metaphysical or occult shops. There are very few that even have more than one location, period. Most shops have one location and belong to a private owner. There are a lot of these places that are struggling every day to stay open, too. The simple fact is that you can’t tell how well a shop is doing just by going to it. You don’t know how much their rent is. You don’t know how much they pay their emplo...


  YOU CANNOT CREATE LOVE WITH A LOVE SPELL I am well aware of the fact that I am going to piss off a number of people who sell love spells with this post, and I really do not care. They’re selling magical roofies and they know it. Love spells do not create love. You can cast them to draw in love if you don’t focus on a specific person. They can be used to create desire or longing. They can create sexual attraction. In some cases, they can be used to control someone’s mind to the point where they think they’re in love with you, but they will never genuinely love you. Love is too complicated an emotion to be created by a spell. This isn’t some Disney movie where the spell breaks and that person suddenly realizes they were in love with you the whole time either. If anything, that person is likely to feel violated and run for the door, and they are right to feel that way. If you are trying to control someone with a spell, you are violating them. Consent is important in magic just l...

WITCH TIP TUESDAY: Always be Aware of Your Karma

  WITCH TIP TUESDAY! Always be aware of you “Karma.” When you perform magic of any kind there is always a price. This is true for all aspects of life, but for now we will only focus on the magical implications. Whatever you put out in a spell, you get back a minimum of three times and as many as ten. A lot of people refer to this as karma and for the sake of keeping this post fairly short, so shall we. It always amazes me how many people seem to think they can escape karma, especially in magic. You can’t. Even if you stop practicing magic, you will still have to pay for what you’ve done. Dabblers and seasoned practitioners must abide by this law without exception. What you get back depends on what you’ve put out. If you’ve done something nice like a healing spell, then you’ll get back that healing energy you’ve put out a minimum of three times. If you hex someone, you get that energy back a minimum of three times. It kind of makes you think twice about hexing someone doesn’t ...