
Showing posts with the label goddess


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Februus Februus was the Roman god of purification. He is one of the lesser-known gods and may be associated with the god Pluto. He is the patron god of the spring festival Februalia which is a time of cleaning and washing. The month of February is named for the god Februus. If you need help with cleaning this spring, be sure to call on Februus for assistance. Have a great week! Blessed be! *Image shamelessly stolen from somewhere on the internet. #theaviditywitch #witch #witches #pagan #witchcraft #sorcerysunday #Februus #cleansing #purification #god #goddess #romangod #romangoddess #roman #february #springcleaning #cleaning


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Cupid Happy Valentine's Day! Cupid is the Roman god of sex, love, and desire. Unlike his Greek counterpart Eros who is portrayed as a beautiful young man, Cupid is most often portrayed as a young child or infant. He is said to be the son of Venus and Mars and is often portrayed as being one of the Amores. It is said that both people and gods turn to Cupid for help when they are in love with someone. Well, that’s it for today! Have a great day! Blessed be! P.S. Just a quick reminder that I have a Valentine/Galentine sale going in my Etsy shop. Everything is on sale for 25 to 70% until February 15th. Stop by and get something for yourself or someone else. *image was shamelessly stolen from somewhere on the internet #theaviditywitch #sundaysorcery #Cupid #godoflove #godofsex #godofdesire #romangod #romangoddess #love #sex #desire #roman #romanpantheon #ancientrome #witch #witchcraft #pagan #god #goddess #wicca #wi...


  SUNDAY SORCERY: Aphrodite Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, sex, and beauty. She was born from sea foam that was believed to have come from Uranus’s testicles that were thrown into the sea after his son Cronos cut them off. Yes, really. The Greeks had some pretty raunchy stories about how things came into being. They’re quite interesting to read if you aren’t easily offended. Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, the god of the forge, but she had many affairs with both gods and mortals. The most notable being her affair with Ares, which is how Eros came into being according to some accounts. If you choose to call on Aphrodite for assistance in any spells it is important to remember that she is a very jealous and sensitive goddess, particularly when it comes to her beauty. As the goddess of beauty, she is the most beautiful thing in existence, and you must never say that something or someone is as beautiful as she is or more beautiful than she is. She will see it as an ...


  SUNDAY SORCERY: Brigid Brigid is a Celtic goddess also known as Brig or Brigit. She is associated with fertility, poetry, healing, spring, and—oddly enough—blacksmithing. She is also associated with the pagan holiday Imbolc which starts on February first. She is an important goddess in modern pagan religions and may be one of the triple goddess entities. During the middle ages, the Celtic goddess Brigid’s characteristics were merged with Saint Brigid, and February first became Saint Brigid’s Day. The image is borrowed from a shop on Etsy called Zeckos. You can purchase the Brigid statue from them here: I hope you enjoyed this post! Have a great week! #theaviditywitch #sundaysorcery #god #goddess #Brigid #Brig Brigit #Celt #celtic #...


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Janus Janus is the Roman god of time. He has two faces and looks to the future and the past simultaneously. He presides over beginnings, endings, gateways, doorways, bridges, corridors, and change. It is believed that the month of January is named for Janus. He is believed to be one of the primordial gods or titans. When he is invoked it is often done in association with another god such as Jupiter. The nature of Janus is one of the most debated topics among modern scholars, and because of that you find many different descriptions of who he was and what he represented. I hope you enjoyed the first post about gods for the year, and you enjoy the many more to come. Have a great first week of 2021! Blessed be! *Image shamelessly stolen from somewhere on the internet. #theaviditywitch #sorcerysunday #god #goddess #pagan #romangod #romanpantheon #romanreligion #ancientrome #ancientroman #ancientromanreligions #witch #...


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Eros Eros was the Greek god of love, sex, and desire. He is often confused with the Roman god Cupid but the two are slightly different. Eros is often depicted as a handsome young man with wings. He is said to be a carefree god. The later versions of Eros say that he is the son of Aphrodite and Ares (their love child, if you will), and one of the Erotes who assisted Aphrodite. The older versions say that he was one of the primordial gods, and one even describes him as the first god to come into existence. The most famous story involving Eros is the story of Eros and Psyche. It is a tale of love, betrayal, and reconciliation that I recommend reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s post. Blessed be. *Image credit: The Mythic Tarot, by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Green, Illustrated by Tricia Newell* (The card is from a twenty-seven year old deck and it has been through a lot, so please don’t judge me for the condition of the card.) I would like to remind you t...


  SUNDAY SORCERY: Kali or Kali Ma Kali is the Hindu goddess of death, violence, sexuality, time, the end of the world, and motherly love. She is often depicted as having black or blue skin, multiple limbs, a long tongue, a necklace of skulls or heads, and a belt of demon hands. She is the wife of the god Shiva. She is best known for destroying the demon Raktavira or Raktabija, who’s blood created thousands of more demons like him when it touched the ground. She killed him this by cutting off his head and drinking all his blood. She then devoured his demon spawn whole. It is said that when Kali was angry or doing her victory dance, Shiva would throw himself beneath her feet to keep her from ending the world. Today, Kali is still worshipped by many Hindus, but she is considered "marginal." Many feminist groups see Kali as an icon for female empowerment, and other groups see her as an icon for sexual liberation. To me, Kali is the perfect example of why you should know the g...


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Bast (Bastet) Bast was a protector and defender of the god Ra as well as his daughter in Ancient Egypt theology. Originally, she was depicted as a lioness, but later she became a domestic cat. She is associated with cats, love, sensuality, family, birth, fertility, music, and dance. She can be called on for assistance in spells involving any of those things. To garner her favor, treat cats with love and respect. Because of her association with cats, I often ask her for assistance with my foster kittens. I make offerings to her often because of this as well. She accepts all of it but seems to enjoy a mixture of catnip and valerian the best. #theaviditywitch #witchtip #witch #witchcraft #pagan #god #goddess #egyptian #egyptiangoddess #egyptianpantheon #cat #catgoddess #bast #bastet #magic #metaphysical

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Research the Attributes of the God or Goddess Before Calling on Them for Assistance.

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Research the Attributes of the God or Goddess Before Calling on Them for Assistance. This one is pretty self explanatory. Most people know you don't want to summon Aphrodite for help with a financial issue or Ares for help with childbirth, but many gods have talents we don't normally talk about. So spend a little time getting to know your diety before summoning them in a ritual. That's all for this post. Have a great day. Blessed be. #pagan #witchtip #witch #witchcraft #witchtiptuesday #gods #goddesses