
Showing posts with the label herb

Witchy Wednesday: Snowdrops

  Witchy Wednesday: Snowdrops For anyone who does not know or has forgotten, Witchy Wednesday is the day I post about herbs, spices, and other plants. I write both about their magical and medicinal properties. Some of the plants I write about are ones I am very familiar with and some I learn about as I write the post, so this is often a learning experience for me as well. Snowdrops, or Galanthus, are one of the birth-month flowers for January. It is thought to symbolize hope, purity, innocence, and sympathy. One of the unique traits this plant possesses is the ability to generate their own heat. They often melt the snow around them. They grow best in cooler, wetter climates, and bloom in the early spring. If you wish to plant snowdrops in your garden, you should plant the bulbs in well drained soil during the early fall. Since I live in a high desert climate and they do not like to grow here, I do not have any personal experience with snowdrops. It should be noted that snowdr...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Rosemary Rosemary can be used in spring cleaning and I am sick, so it is getting a repost! Rosemary is a fragrant herb that most people either love or hate. Its scent creates strong reactions in people and there is very little middle ground because of that. It is a very versatile herb regardless of how you feel about it, and today we’re going to explore some of that. Medicinally, Rosemary is considered and antimicrobial, which means it can be used to combat microscopic organisms. Some people say that it can be used as an antibiotic, but I’ve always had better luck using it to combat fungus. It is also said to have antidepressant properties and is known to help soothe the stomach. Some people even use it as a pain killer. Medicinally, rosemary is a great herb to have around. Rosemary has numerous magical uses including protection, mental strengths (especially memory), purification, healing, love, lust, and is thought to help a person sleep. One of the eas...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Lavender Fun fact: according to my Witches’ Spell-a-Day Almanac, lavender is the incense of the day! Lavender is an old-world plant and can be found on the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The flowers are usually lavender colored and small. The scent is consistent across the genus and is often used for aromatherapy. Medicinally, lavender flowers can be used for relaxation, sleep, fighting depression, and pain relief. One of the best headache cures I’ve found is the scent of lavender, which I prefer to get from lavender flowers. The scent clears my sinuses and relieves pressure. Lavender can be used in both herbal and essential oil, but the essential oil should never be taken internally. Lavender is considered safe for most people, but it is not safe for your dog of your cat. Magically, lavender can be used for love, purification, sleep, peace, and happiness. You can burn lavender as an incense, use it in a potion, or place the dried herb in a sach...


WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Roses Roses are a beautiful flowers that come in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be found throughout the world, and there are species that are native on several continents. They are often associated with romance and are often exchanged on Valentine’s Day. Medicinally, roses can be used as a mild sedative, anti-microbial, laxative, and antiseptic. Magically, roses can be used for love, protection, divination, lust, good fortune, and healing. Like jasmine, roses are a delicate flower with a fragile fragrance and flavor. If you are going to make an essential oil or tea from rose petals, you must not use a high temperature or else the scent and flavor will become bitter. So, you must use a low temperature over a longer period of time with roses. I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Have a great day. Blessed be! P.S. Just a quick reminder that I have a Valentine/Galentine sale going in my Etsy shop. Everything is on sale for 25 to 70% until February 15th....


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Jasmine Jasmine is a delicate white flower that is believed to be native to the Himalayas and has been spread throughout Asia and the rest of the world by human cultivation. It has many uses both medicinally and magically. It is also an expensive herb to buy, and true jasmine (the real jasmine essential oil) is very expensive because the process to make it is difficult and takes a long time. True jasmine is often used to make perfume. Medicinally, jasmine is used to treat insomnia, depression, liver disease, and diarrhea. It can also be used to prevent stroke and to increase libido. Jasmine is made into a tea when it is intended to be taken internally and is used as an essential oil when used topically. Magically, jasmine is used for love spells, to gain money, and to increase psychic powers. It can be used as an oil, an incense, a tea, or added to bottle spells and sachets in its dried herb form. It is a versatile herb to use in magic. If you are making...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Hops Hops are a perennial vine that are grown in North America and Europe and are used for many things including the making of beer. opesHop There are several medicinal uses for hops. They can be used to treat digestive problems such as diarrhea and indigestion. They are considered a powerful sedative and can be used to treat insomnia and anxiety. Because they are such a powerful sedative, they should not be used when you need to operate heavy machinery or drive. They can also exacerbate melancholy and depression, so they should be avoided if you are prone to or have been diagnosed with depression. In other words, stop drinking beer if you are depressed. The magical properties of hops are protection, divination, healing, and sleep. They are also used in the making of beer and ale, and in this form can be used as an offering to gods such as Odin. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and have a great day. Blessed be. *Photo was shamelessly stolen from so...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Aloe Vera The aloe vera plant is native to the Arabian Peninsula and has been used in cosmetics, medicine, and magic for centuries. Because of its many uses, people have planted it in many places. Today, it can be found growing wild in arid climates though out the world. It is also a popular house plant. Medicinally, aloe vera is used to treat burns, to soothe skin irritations, treat cuts and scrapes, stimulate digestion, as a laxative, and as a dietary supplement. While it is considered to be safe in most cases, it should not be taken internally by pregnant or nursing women. It can cause uterine contractions and therefore can cause early labor and miscarriage. It can also be secreted in breast milk and cause infants to purge. Magically, also vera is used for protection, money, and healing. It is associated with water and is considered feminine. Sorry this post came so late today. I hope you enjoyed it. Blessed be!


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Peppermint Peppermint is a sweet smelling plant that is part of the mint family. It is used as popular flavoring during Yule (or Christmas for Christians). Like all mints it can be invasive and many gardeners, including myself, choose to grow it in pots because of this. Peppermint is usually considered to be one of the best herbs to treat stomach ailments, because it is effective and safe for nearly everyone. It stimulates the production of digestive fluids and relieves gas. It has mild pain relief properties that also soothes stomach lining. It can be used in cold and flu remedies as an expectorant because it contains menthol. It can also help relieve anxiety and to help a person sleep. Externally it can relieve itching. It can increase heartburn however and should be avoided by people with acid reflux. Magically, peppermint is in love, healing, protection, and purification spells. It is thought to bring luck and prosperity to anyone who uses it. It is al...

FRIDAY FEATURE: Home Purification and Protection Kit

  FRIDAY FEATURE: Home Purification and Protection Kit Do you have annoying relatives coming to visit for the holidays? Are any of them Debbie Downers, Judgmental Jareds, or Controlling Karens? Do they suck the life out of everyone in the family including you? You really shouldn’t because we’re in the middle of a pandemic. I mean you have the perfect excuse to tell them not to come this year! Just in case they show up anyway, you should really consider purchasing one of my Home Purification and Protection Kits! It’s perfect for getting rid of those nasty vibes from cranky relatives and everything that happened in 2020! So, start the New Year off right and get yours today! It’s on sale right now for 30% off along with the rest of my shop right now! *Years ago, a witch taught me the art of smoke cleansing to banish ghosts and negative energy. Another witch taught me to create a seal on my doors and windows using salt. Yet another witch taught me to make magical sachets. A final w...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Star Anise Star Anise, not to be confused with anise seed or Japanese Star anise, which is toxic, is the fruit of an evergreen tree that is native to SouthEast Asia. It has a strong licorice scent and flavor. You must be careful of the source of your star anise pods. While the Chinese and Vietnamese plants are safe for consumption, the Japanese plants are toxic and should only be burned as incense. Medicinally, star anise is known for its antiviral properties. It is one of the ingredients of the drug Tamiflu. Magically, star anise can be used for love, protection, psychic powers, and cleansing. Star anise is considered a beautiful spice and is often used in crafts, wreaths, and incense. It is often added to spells because of this. Well, that’s about all I have for Star Anise. Most of the herbal remedies out there call for anise seed which is a different plant. If you decide to use star anise, make sure you know where it came from before you use it in foo...

Broken Post: 8/26/2020 WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Pistachios

 WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Pistachios I’ve decided to start posting things I know about herbs each week on Wednesday. If there is something you know about the herb, we’re exploring that I have not covered, please feel free to share that knowledge in the comments. Pistachios have gotten a lot of attention lately for being a healthy snack. Even though they are often called nuts, they are actually a type of seed and are related to cashews. Pistachio trees can live up to 300 years and are originally from central Asia. The seeds are high in protein, Thiamine (B1), Vitamin B6, among a lot of other vitamins and minerals. In ancient times, people believed pistachios could be used medicinally to treat problems with the liver and stomach, though there is no evidence that this is an effective treatment today. Magically, pistachios are most often thought of as being an antidote to love spells, and it is recommended to feed them to a loved one who is under the influence of a love spell. They can be use...


  Witchy Wednesday: Cloves Cloves are a sweet potent spice that is used in everything from gingerbread and pumpkin pies to pickles and hot toddies. They are native to Asia and are the dried buds of flowers. They are a favorite in winter dishes especially. They also have many medicinal and magical properties. Medicinally, cloves are best known for treating oral ailments. They are used in mouthwashes and compresses to relieve pain, and food grade clove oil is often used directly on affected areas to kill pain. They can be chewed to relieve oral pain, but you should use not more than 2 to 3 in a 24-hour period. Cloves can cause clotting issues and excessive bleeding if consumed in large quantities and can affect blood sugar levels. Cloves can be used to treat digestive issues such as flatulence and vomiting. When combined with nutmeg and added to an ointment that is applied to the skin, cloves can create a warming sensation that helps relieve muscle tension. Clove cigarettes shoul...

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: A Little Goes a Long Way I know there will be people out there shaking their heads at this but guess what. You don’t have to take huge amounts of herbs and spices to boost your immune system and maintain your health. In fact, you can get most of the medicinal properties by flavoring your food with the herb or spice. That’s all you need. Just that tiny bit. Plus, there are a lot of herbs and spices that have the same properties, so you don’t have to lock yourself into one flavor. I’m telling you this because some herbs and spices can be harmful and even dangerous when used in excess. Cinnamon, for instance, can cause bleeding when you eat too much of it. So moderate, use wisely, make sure you talk to your doctor about any side affects that come with drug interactions. The same is true with most magic. You don’t usually need a lot of herbs or spices to complete a spell. Trust your instincts to know for sure how much you need unless the spell mentions a specifi...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Garlic Garlic is a plant that grows from a bulb like it’s close relative the onion. It is native to central Asia and has been used in food and medicine for thousands of years. It is a nutritious and low-calorie plant that has many benefits. Medicinally, garlic has many uses. It is known to boost the immune system, it is an antibiotic, it can reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, help fight colds and flu, boosts the cardiovascular system, kill intestinal parasites, and may help kill viruses if taken internally. The best part is that you do not have to consume large amounts to receive the benefits of using garlic. You only need enough to flavor your food, though many herbalists will recommend eating raw garlic in order to receive the most benefits from it. When used externally, garlic can kill ringworm and repel pests. The biggest downside to using garlic is the smell. Garlic can cause bad breath and body order. When consumed in large amounts it can cause ...


  Saturday Satire: Folk Names I’m dedicating my Saturday post to dispelling myths about witches, witchcraft, pagans, and magic. I hope you enjoy reading them. Folk names for herbs have been used for centuries, and there are many to describe herbs and spices. One of the reasons for this is that different regions would have different names for the same plants. Another reason is that it helped protect the livelihood of the witch or healer because they would be the only ones who really knew what was in their potions. Let’s say you boiled a spike, some gold, an Englishman’s foot, and some amber in a pot of oil and beeswax and slathered it on your skin. It probably wouldn’t do anything for you and might even make you sick. But if you knew that spike=lavender, gold=marigold, Englishman’s foot=plantain, and amber=St. John’s wort, then you could make a decent ointment for bug bites. Sadly, some of these names were most likely used to condemn innocent people during the burning times....


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Allspice Allspice is a sweet potent spice native to central America, that smells similar to ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. This is why it is usually called Allspice, though sometimes it is called Jamaican pepper. It is small berries that grow on evergreen trees. Medicinally, allspice can be used to stimulate the digestive system and treat flatulence. It should never be used by people with ulcerative colitis because it can exasperate the illness. It can be used in the form of a compress or a diluted essential oil to treat aches and pains. Undiluted allspice essential oil should never be applied directly to the skin because it can cause irritation. Allspice should only be taken in small amounts because it contains a chemical called eugenol that can cause a person to become extremely ill in large amounts. Allspice essential oil should never be ingested. Magically, allspice is most often used for luck or money. It can be burned as an incense or boiled t...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Ginger Those of us who love sushi are familiar with the pretty pickled ginger that comes with it. There are more uses for ginger than just clearing your pallet, however, and today we are going to look at them. Ginger is a great spice to have in your pantry whether you use it magically, medicinally, or just to flavor your food. Medicinally ginger is used for most often used to treat nausea and it is considered safe for most people including babies and pregnant women. However, pregnant women should not consume more than a gram of dried ginger a day, and people who take anticoagulants should avoid large amounts of it. It can also be used in a gargle to sooth a sore throat. Magically ginger has many uses including protection, love, lust, money, prosperity, healing, and the gaining of power. It can be used fresh or dried, but the root is the part most often used. It is considered very powerful and is a common element in many spells. It might be worth noting t...

WITCHY WEDNESDAY (A little late): Cinnamon

  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Cinnamon Cinnamon spice is the bark of cinnamon trees. It is a tropical plant that cannot survive freezing temperatures and is native to Asia. It was once very expensive and very hard to obtain due to long trade routes but is now easily obtainable throughout the world. Medicinally cinnamon is usually used to treat stomach ailments because it relieves nausea and vomiting and stimulates the appetite. It also has astringent properties and can be used to treat diarrhea. There is some evidence that it can be used to regulate blood sugar. Due to the chemical coumarin that is in some varieties, large amounts of cinnamon can be toxic. It should be used sparingly if you have cancer or an illness that affects hormone levels. Magical properties of cinnamon can be used in spells and rituals involving love, lust, protection, healing, and prosperity. There are many money drawing spells that call for cinnamon. It is also used to increase psychic powers and promote spirit...

WITCH TIP TUESDAY: The Magical Properies of Pumpkin Spice

  WITCH TIP TUESDAY: The Magical Properties of Pumpkin Spice Have you ever wondered what the magical properties of pumpkin spice are? I found myself wondering this at the beginning of fall, so I did some research and found out. I thought at first it might be the perfect mix for a love spell since I already knew several of the spices had properties associated with love, but I was so wrong. This mix of fragrant spices that earns millions for companies every year selling everything from pumpkin spice lattes to pumpkin spice cheeses is perfect for money and prosperity spells. You read that right: it is the perfect mix to make money with. The traditional spices used are cinnamon, ginger, cloves, allspice, and nutmeg and they are all associated with money magic. Who knows? Maybe that’s why so many people go crazy buying it in the fall months. Maybe we can’t resist the urge to give money to whoever is selling it because the mix itself is a powerful spell. Now that you know that, maybe y...


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Rosemary Rosemary is a fragrant herb that most people either love or hate. Its scent creates strong reactions in people and there is very little middle ground because of that. It is a very versatile herb regardless of how you feel about it, and today we’re going to explore some of that. Medicinally, Rosemary is considered and antimicrobial, which means it can be used to combat microscopic organisms. Some people say that it can be used as an antibiotic, but I’ve always had better luck using it to combat fungus. It is also said to have antidepressant properties and is known to help sooth the stomach. Some people even use it as a pain killer. Medicinally, rosemary is a great herb to have around. Rosemary has numerous magical uses including protection, mental strengths (especially memory), purification, healing, love, lust, and is thought to help a person sleep. One of the easiest ways to use rosemary in protection spells is to hang it in your home. Just havin...