

  SUNDAY SORCERY: Kali or Kali Ma Kali is the Hindu goddess of death, violence, sexuality, time, the end of the world, and motherly love. She is often depicted as having black or blue skin, multiple limbs, a long tongue, a necklace of skulls or heads, and a belt of demon hands. She is the wife of the god Shiva. She is best known for destroying the demon Raktavira or Raktabija, who’s blood created thousands of more demons like him when it touched the ground. She killed him this by cutting off his head and drinking all his blood. She then devoured his demon spawn whole. It is said that when Kali was angry or doing her victory dance, Shiva would throw himself beneath her feet to keep her from ending the world. Today, Kali is still worshipped by many Hindus, but she is considered "marginal." Many feminist groups see Kali as an icon for female empowerment, and other groups see her as an icon for sexual liberation. To me, Kali is the perfect example of why you should know the g


*NEW ITEMS*  *Everything in the shop is on sale for 20% off until November 23* Jasper Aries Pendant Jasper Taurus Pendant Jasper Pendant Jasper Gemini Pendant Jasper Element Pendant Petrified Wood Taurus Pendant


  Saturday Satire: Folk Names I’m dedicating my Saturday post to dispelling myths about witches, witchcraft, pagans, and magic. I hope you enjoy reading them. Folk names for herbs have been used for centuries, and there are many to describe herbs and spices. One of the reasons for this is that different regions would have different names for the same plants. Another reason is that it helped protect the livelihood of the witch or healer because they would be the only ones who really knew what was in their potions. Let’s say you boiled a spike, some gold, an Englishman’s foot, and some amber in a pot of oil and beeswax and slathered it on your skin. It probably wouldn’t do anything for you and might even make you sick. But if you knew that spike=lavender, gold=marigold, Englishman’s foot=plantain, and amber=St. John’s wort, then you could make a decent ointment for bug bites. Sadly, some of these names were most likely used to condemn innocent people during the burning times. For

FRIDAY FEATURE: Palm and Sole Balm

  For years I searched for something that would moisturize and protect my dry hands and feet. I tried lotions, I tried ointments, and I tried balms. None of them worked for me and most cost a fortune. Finally, I got sick of it and created my Palm and Sole Balm. This mix of oils, butters, waxes, and herbs will moisturize the driest of hands and feet and promotes healing in damaged skin. It is infused with antifungal herbs to prevent nail fungus and athlete’s foot, and it smells great on both men and women. All my friends who have tried it are crazy about it, and I know that if you try it you will be too. To use: Apply a dab to the top of your hands or soles of your feet and rub in. A little goes a long way, so start small and add more as needed. Works best if applied before going to bed so that the balm has time to soak into your skin properly. *weights are approximate* *NOT A VEGAN PRODUCT* *Legal disclaimer: all spells, metaphysical tools and kits, and other similar items shou


  THAUMATURGIST THURSDAY: Selenite Selenite has many magical uses. It can be used to protect your home. This is most often done by placing it in the corners of your home to create a grid. It can be used to help people reconcile, especially in romantic relationships. It can be used to dispel negative energies and help a person gain inner peace. Selenite wands and scepters can be used to heal both physically and emotionally, and it is often used to gain strength. Selenite can even be used for scrying. My favorite way to use selenite is to add it to spells to amplify positive and protective energies. This seems to be a lesser known use for the stone, but I have had a lot of success in using it this way. My Keeping Things Honest spell kit that I sell on Etsy contains selenite, and the stone is used as an amplifier in this spell. It is currently on sale along with everything else in my shop for 20% off. If you would like to learn more about my shop, follow one of the links below. Ha


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Allspice Allspice is a sweet potent spice native to central America, that smells similar to ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. This is why it is usually called Allspice, though sometimes it is called Jamaican pepper. It is small berries that grow on evergreen trees. Medicinally, allspice can be used to stimulate the digestive system and treat flatulence. It should never be used by people with ulcerative colitis because it can exasperate the illness. It can be used in the form of a compress or a diluted essential oil to treat aches and pains. Undiluted allspice essential oil should never be applied directly to the skin because it can cause irritation. Allspice should only be taken in small amounts because it contains a chemical called eugenol that can cause a person to become extremely ill in large amounts. Allspice essential oil should never be ingested. Magically, allspice is most often used for luck or money. It can be burned as an incense or boiled to he

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Creating a Safe Workspace

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Creating a Safe Workspace During a conversation this past weekend with a beginner witch I became aware of how few sites online explain how to create a safe space in which to perform your rituals and cast your spells. There are plenty of sites that tell you how to perform the spell itself, but I have yet to see one that starts with “Cast your circle.” One of the reasons it is important to create a safe space because energy and entities are drawn to spell work. If you do not have a barrier to protect you, you leave yourself open to attack. So today I am giving a crash course on how to do this. Casting a circle is the most common method of protecting yourself during rituals and spell work. To do this, you must first clear the area of negative energy. You can do this by sweeping it away with a broom or besom. Then you point your athame, wand, or casting hand straight out from your body, and move in a clockwise circle. As you do this, picture a protective barrier goi