

  MAGICIANS MONDAY: Wand A wand is a lightweight rod used to channel energy and power into spell work. Wands can be made of many materials including metal, wood, and stone. Some magic users use wands that are made of plastic, but it is not recommended, because plastic is an artificial substance and is not thought of as being able to handle a large amount of energy. In older books on magic, those who are new to the craft are encouraged to make their own wands or have someone who knows them personally make the wand for them. Today that rule is not as strict, partially since there are so many wonderful wand makers out there. The wand in the photo was made by a friend of mine. He sells his wands at Mystical Misfits in Nampa, Idaho, United States of America. Just in case anyone is interested in having a wand like it. Sadly, their Etsy shop is no longer in service, but you can find other information about their physical store here: I would al


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Eros Eros was the Greek god of love, sex, and desire. He is often confused with the Roman god Cupid but the two are slightly different. Eros is often depicted as a handsome young man with wings. He is said to be a carefree god. The later versions of Eros say that he is the son of Aphrodite and Ares (their love child, if you will), and one of the Erotes who assisted Aphrodite. The older versions say that he was one of the primordial gods, and one even describes him as the first god to come into existence. The most famous story involving Eros is the story of Eros and Psyche. It is a tale of love, betrayal, and reconciliation that I recommend reading. I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s post. Blessed be. *Image credit: The Mythic Tarot, by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Green, Illustrated by Tricia Newell* (The card is from a twenty-seven year old deck and it has been through a lot, so please don’t judge me for the condition of the card.) I would like to remind you that


  SATIRE SATURDAY: Dunking During the burning times, many people believed that only witches could swim. Because of this, they would throw people into bodies of water to see if they would float. Sometimes they remembered to tie a rope around the person first so they could pull them out if they turned out to be innocent. The process was called ducking or dunking. It was, of course, a ridiculous idea and many people drowned because of it. People in power even created a device to help them determine whether or not someone was a witch. This device was a huge lever that had a stool on one end. It made it easy to dunk the accused in water without the accusers getting wet. The device had several names: a dunking stool, a ducking stool, or a cucking stool. The reason I personally find the idea of being dunked ridiculous. This is because I am a witch, and I would have easily passed this test. Not only can I barely swim, but I literally sink like a stone as soon as I stop moving. I can’t floa

FRIDAY FEATURE: Ragana's Remedy

  Packed with moisturizers this balm has been infused with cloves, nutmeg, witch hazel, and St. John’s wort to create a fast-acting pain relief remedy for sore muscles and joints. The cloves and nutmeg create a warming affect that helps soothe sore muscles. The witch hazel and St. John’s wort relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It’s perfect for relieving minor aches and pains for long periods of time. To use: Apply a dab to the affected area and rub in. A little goes a long way, so start small and add more as needed. As with all herbal remedies, you should check with your doctor if you are on any medication in case of drug interaction. *weights are approximate* *NOT A VEGAN PRODUCT* Containers are aluminum and recyclable. *Legal disclaimer: all spells, metaphysical tools and kits, and other similar items should be considered novelty items and used for entertainment purposes only*


  THAUMATURGIST THURSDAY: Aquamarine Aquamarine is a pale blue-green form of beryl. It is a semiprecious stone. It is often used as a protection amulet by fisherman and sailors due to its association with sea gods and goddesses. It is thought to bring peace and calm strong emotions. It can strengthen courage and help break self-sabotaging behaviors. Because of its association with water, aquamarine is thought to be good in purification. Aquamarine is also thought to enhance psychic powers. That’s all for today. Thanks for reading! Blessed be!


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Garlic Garlic is a plant that grows from a bulb like it’s close relative the onion. It is native to central Asia and has been used in food and medicine for thousands of years. It is a nutritious and low-calorie plant that has many benefits. Medicinally, garlic has many uses. It is known to boost the immune system, it is an antibiotic, it can reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, help fight colds and flu, boosts the cardiovascular system, kill intestinal parasites, and may help kill viruses if taken internally. The best part is that you do not have to consume large amounts to receive the benefits of using garlic. You only need enough to flavor your food, though many herbalists will recommend eating raw garlic in order to receive the most benefits from it. When used externally, garlic can kill ringworm and repel pests. The biggest downside to using garlic is the smell. Garlic can cause bad breath and body order. When consumed in large amounts it can cause stom


  This is not so much a tip post as one that I hope brings comfort to someone who needs it. As we head into the holiday season, it is important to remember that not everyone is surrounded by family. This time of year can be very hard for those of us who are estranged from our families. The important thing for those who are estranged to realize is that they are not alone. There are a lot of us that don’t have contact with our families for whatever reason. I am estranged from my immediate family. Unlike many people who no longer have contact with their families, my estrangement was my choice. I realize that there are many other people out there who did not have that luxury and were cast out by their families. I do not fully understand the pain these people must feel, but I can sympathize with their loneliness and longing for family. Please understand, I don’t really miss my family. I do find myself wishing that I had been born into a better family a lot though. To be fair, this is the