

  THAUMATURGIST THURSDAY: Garnet Garnets are gemstones that come in various shades of red and are associated with fire. They are the birthstone for January, and are considered a very lucky gift, and very unlucky to steal. Centuries ago, they were used to drive away evil spirits and demons. They are said to be powerful protection stones that warn you of danger, bring harm to your enemies, and cause those who would harm you to become spooked and leave. Garnets are also good for love, especially in the form of passion. Because of this they are often used to increase the libido. Some people use them to attract a compatible companion. They can also be used to obtain power and wealth. In short, there are many uses for garnets in the magical world. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about January’s birthday. Have a great day. Blessed be. #theaviditywitch #thaumaturgistthursday #witchtip #gem #gems #gemstone #gemstones #stone #stones #witch


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Hops Hops are a perennial vine that are grown in North America and Europe and are used for many things including the making of beer. opesHop There are several medicinal uses for hops. They can be used to treat digestive problems such as diarrhea and indigestion. They are considered a powerful sedative and can be used to treat insomnia and anxiety. Because they are such a powerful sedative, they should not be used when you need to operate heavy machinery or drive. They can also exacerbate melancholy and depression, so they should be avoided if you are prone to or have been diagnosed with depression. In other words, stop drinking beer if you are depressed. The magical properties of hops are protection, divination, healing, and sleep. They are also used in the making of beer and ale, and in this form can be used as an offering to gods such as Odin. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and have a great day. Blessed be. *Photo was shamelessly stolen from somewh


  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: Silver Tarnish It’s been a rough couple of weeks, and I haven’t felt like posting much lately, but I am trying to get back into it. This isn’t going to be a long post but hopefully some of you will find this to be a helpful tip. If you have any silver that has become tarnished, you can clean it easily by dipping a damp cloth into ashes and rubbing it on your silver. You can use ashes from an offering fire, your fireplace, or even the ashes from your incense. This is a quick, easy, and sometimes less toxic way of cleaning your silver tools and jewelry. It also won’t damage your set stones like a lot of cleaners. I tried to illustrate what this looks like by wiping a small part of my silver chalice clean, but it didn’t really show in the photo even though it worked in person. I used incense ashes in case you’re wondering. Give it a try the next time you have some tarnished silver. I hope you enjoyed that quick tip. Have a great day and blessed be! https://www.


  WITCHY WEDNESDAY: Aloe Vera The aloe vera plant is native to the Arabian Peninsula and has been used in cosmetics, medicine, and magic for centuries. Because of its many uses, people have planted it in many places. Today, it can be found growing wild in arid climates though out the world. It is also a popular house plant. Medicinally, aloe vera is used to treat burns, to soothe skin irritations, treat cuts and scrapes, stimulate digestion, as a laxative, and as a dietary supplement. While it is considered to be safe in most cases, it should not be taken internally by pregnant or nursing women. It can cause uterine contractions and therefore can cause early labor and miscarriage. It can also be secreted in breast milk and cause infants to purge. Magically, also vera is used for protection, money, and healing. It is associated with water and is considered feminine. Sorry this post came so late today. I hope you enjoyed it. Blessed be!

WITCHTIP TUESDAY: You Don't Have to Break the Bank to Practice Magic

  WITCHTIP TUESDAY: You Don’t have to Break the Bank to Practice Magic There’s this misconception that you have to spend a lot of money to become a witch. This isn’t true. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to have those expensive tools, but they aren’t necessary. You don’t have to have the $50 tarot deck when the one you can get for under $20 does the same thing. You don’t have to pay $70 for a wand when you can make your own. You can find books at secondhand stores. There’s nothing wrong with using a spiral notebook for your grimoire or book of shadows instead of a fancy hardcover journal with gold leafing. Herbs can be pretty cheap if you know where to shop or how to grow your own. Fancy stones and crystals are nice, but you don’t always need those. I can honestly say I’ve used pebbles from beside the road to cast spells and they worked just fine. Your offering bowls, scrying bowls, chalices, bolines, candles, candle holders, incense, incense burners, spell jars, and athames? Two words


  MAGICIAN MONDAY: Offering Bowl Offering bowls are any bowl, plate, or dish that is placed on an alter and contains an offering to the gods. They can be made from metal, stone, bone, shell, or glass. Unlike other magical items, offering bowls can be made of pretty much anything that isn’t plastic. They can contain any form of offering and can be used to pay tribute to any god. I do not own a bowl that I use specifically for offerings. When I do make the sort of offering that requires one, I usually just get a bowl out of my cupboard and use it. Most people who use magic will tell you not to do that, but the gods have never seemed to mind the way I do things. I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Have a great week! Blessed be! *Image shamelessly stolen from somewhere on the internet. #theaviditywitch #magicianmonday #offeringbowl #witch #witchcraft #magic #pagan #magical #magictool #tool #magicaltool #tools #magictools #magicaltools #met


  SORCERY SUNDAY: Janus Janus is the Roman god of time. He has two faces and looks to the future and the past simultaneously. He presides over beginnings, endings, gateways, doorways, bridges, corridors, and change. It is believed that the month of January is named for Janus. He is believed to be one of the primordial gods or titans. When he is invoked it is often done in association with another god such as Jupiter. The nature of Janus is one of the most debated topics among modern scholars, and because of that you find many different descriptions of who he was and what he represented. I hope you enjoyed the first post about gods for the year, and you enjoy the many more to come. Have a great first week of 2021! Blessed be! *Image shamelessly stolen from somewhere on the internet. #theaviditywitch #sorcerysunday #god #goddess #pagan #romangod #romanpantheon #romanreligion #ancientrome #ancientroman #ancientromanreligions #witch #witc